Managing According to His Will

Posted on January 18, 2011


I have this gift to create atmosphere. I weave details and people together to create opportunities, then figure out where the cracks are and do my best to fill them.  Hopefully creating a well oiled machine.  What I never realized is just how much of myself I was throwing in to those cracks.  I’d end up in these situations where I felt I failed and drained when I should of felt fulfilled.

In every project there are milestones or check points.  Each person has a specific roll for a specific amount of time.  Throughout the project, the coordinator keeps their hands on all the details and the flow but shouldn’t be the one to “fill the cracks”.  Their role has to be about finding the right people to fill them.  And that takes hearing from God, waiting on God, and trusting in Him.

I’ve spent years overcoming the proverbial  “fixer” that I was programmed to be as a child.  In order to keep that in check I have to ask myself questions before I commit to something.  I have to get real with myself.  I have to define the mission, the goals and each persons roles – most importantly mine.  Otherwise I start to depend on emotions or pressure from others to guide me and it’s all too easy to confuse that with what the Holy Spirit is trying to do.

When I find myself “too” involved – too emotional – too drained at the end of the day, the only person to blame is myself.  I’ve tried to be God by working outside of my strengths.  We are equipped to do all things through Christ who strengthens us……ACCORDING TO HIS WILL and PURPOSES.

If I’m not seeking His will & purposes then I’m not flowing in Him or His strength.  And burnout will meet me around the corner.  It’s okay to not have everything “perfect”.  There are cracks for a reason and most of the time it’s not for me to fill them.  It’s an opportunity for growth that God is giving to someone else.  So I choose to fill my mind more with Him and let His voice drown out the “noise” in my head.  I choose to find my peace in Him and let His presence ease the grip on my heart.  And I choose to be all that I can be according to who He’s called me to be and rest in His ability to work all things out.

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